The Wonderful World of Northumbrian Wildlife
As custodians of the wonderful county of Northumberland, we take great pride in caring for the environment, wildlife and ecology of the region.
There are masses of rural activity, beauty and wonderment across this amazing county, of which we love to capture through our images, footage, artwork and literature all of which only go a small way to express how we feel about our habitat.
If you are looking to learn more and explore the Great Kingdom of Northumbria then please sign up and follow us across our social pages to keep in touch with the fantastic efforts that we undertake to help maintain and preserve our wonderful environment and the wildlife that thrives throughout it.
Take a look at our 'Sea Birds of the Farne Islands Collection'
This range is inspired by the hundreds of thousands of nesting seabirds that flock to the Farne islands at the start of Spring, every year to reproduce.
These migrating birds, including Puffins, Guillemots, Razorbills and Arctic Terns, join native birds of the islands which include Eider Ducks, Shags, Cormorants, Oystercatchers and many more.